For a complete list of publications, please see Prof. Sun’s google scholar page
Sub-millisecond keyhole pore detection in laser powder bed fusion using sound and light sensors and machine learning
Zhongshu Ren*, Jiayun Shao*, Haolin Liu, Samuel J Clark, Lin Gao, Lilly Balderson, Kyle Mumm, Kamel Fezzaa, Anthony D Rollett, Levent Burak Kara, Tao Sun
Materials Futures, 3, (2024) 045001 (*equal contribution)
An operando synchrotron study on the effect of wire melting state on solidification microstructures of Inconel 718 in wire-laser directed energy deposition
Lin Gao, Andrew C Chuang, Peter Kenesei, Zhongshu Ren, Lilly Balderson, Tao Sun
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 194, (2024) 104089
Tailoring material microstructure and property in wire-laser directed energy deposition through a wiggle deposition strategy
Additive Manufacturing, 77, (2023) 103801
Machine learning–aided real-time detection of keyhole pore generation in laser powder bed fusion
Zhongshu Ren, Lin Gao, Samuel J Clark, Kamel Fezzaa, Pavel Shevchenko, Ann Choi, Wes Everhart, Anthony D Rollett, Lianyi Chen, Tao Sun
Science, 379, (2023) 89
Critical instability at moving keyhole tip generates porosity in laser melting
Cang Zhao, Niranjan D Parab, Xuxiao Li, Kamel Fezzaa, Wenda Tan, Anthony D Rollett, Tao Sun
Science, 370, (2020) 1080
Keyhole Threshold and Morphology in Laser Melting Revealed by Ultrahigh-Speed X-ray Imaging
R. Cunningham*, C. Zhao*, N. Parab, K. Fezzaa, T. Sun, A. Rollett
Science, 363, (2019) 849 (*equal contribution)
Bulk explosion induced metal spattering during laser processing
C. Zhao, Q. Guo, X. Li, N. Parab, K. Fezzaa, W. Tan, L. Chen, T. Sun
Physical Review X, 9, (2019) 021052
Ultrafast X-ray Imaging of Laser Metal Additive Manufacturing Processes
N. Parab*, C. Zhao*, R. Cunningham, L. Escano, K. Fezzaa, W. Everhart, A. Rollett, L. Chen, T. Sun
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 25, (2018) 1467 (*equal contribution)
Real-time monitoring of laser powder bed fusion process using high-speed X-ray imaging and diffraction
Scientific Reports, 7, (2017) 3602

© Copyright 2024 FAST-AM Lab
Prof. Tao Sun
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2145 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL, 60208